This page describes the Setup and installation process of VrageToolbox.
1. Download
First step is to download Vragetoolbox and additonally Havok content tools.(needed for collisions)
Havok Content Tools
2. Installation
Only 3dsmax newer than 2020 is supported
The installation process can take about 10-15 minutes
- After download, run the Havok Content Tools Installer
- After that open 3dsmax,and drop the VrageToolbox.mzp into 3dsmax.
- An automatic installation process should start.
3. Setup Paths
After the Installation the VRageToolbox Config window should open. Fill in the settings as described in Settings
After that the installation progress is finished.
“Installation finished… What now?”
Make yourself familiar with the principles and functions of VrageToolbox by looking at the Reference Topics
You can also follow the Tutorial My First Block