Material Browser
Material Browser is the tool used for the managment and usage of Space engineers materials.
It allows, appliance of materials onto the selected model/faces.
Setup materials
To setup the materials please refer to Settings-Textures.
Apply materials
Material Browser implements different methods of applying materials to objects.
Apply material on whole object
- Open Material Browser
- Select Object
- Click on desired Material
- done.
Apply material on faces
- Open Material Browser
- Select Object
- Go into edit poly mode
- Select desired faces
- Click on desired Material
Apply material on chamfer
- Open Material Browser
- Select Object
- Apply chamfer modifier
- Click on desired Material
- An question box will appear, click on append.
Create custom Materials
Creation of custom materials is currently unsupported.
Possible Issues
If after applying a second material on a face other faces have the same material, please check if these faces have the same material id. If so, change the material ID of them to 1, so they have the first material.