Main Panel
The Main Panel is the most important tool of Vragetoolbox. It acts as an hub to all settings and tools.
It has an Toolbar on top which is static and provides access to important settings and tools.
Below the toolbar context sensitive menus are displayed.
These menus are depended on which Layer is currently selected. The organization and structure of the models/Blocks is done by Layers.
The Main Panel is docked on the right to the Scene Browser. The Panel can be undocked by dragging it away.
Settings & Utils
Open Wiki
Opens this website
Reload VrageToolbox:
Reloads the Vragetoolbox. To be used when the toolbox isn't working right.
Import / Creation
Material Browser
Opens the Material Browser
Easy Layer navigation
Auto Switch layer
Automatically sets the currently selected Layer as active is switched on.
Hide other layers
Automatically hide all Layer except the currently selected if switched on.
Learn More: Layers