====== Layers&Block structure ======
The organization of the Model is done by using layers. These act like a hierachy to allow having all different stages/LOD and data of a model inside one single scene.
Every single Block in SE has many different models as described in ....
===== Basic Layertree =====
{{ :vrt:mainlayerwblock.jpg?200|}}
After creating a new Block a basic layer tree is constructed. The Main Layer has every other Layer as children. Below that there are layers for construction stages, subparts and dummies. The main layer hold information about cubeblock and misc stuff like mirroring or Icon render settings for example.
These layer dependent data is accesed trough the [[vrt:main_panel|Main panel]]
Its recommended to set the scene explorer to layer explorer to easily navigate the layer tree
If after the selection of an Layer its instantly deselected, close and reopen the Scene explorer
===== LayerTypes =====
Below are all Layer types and usage listed.
==== Cubeblock ====
Main topmost Layer of Block. Handles cubeblock info
== Settings ==
Block size
Sets if the Block is large grid or small grid.
Type of Block.Determines what this Block is ingame as in Refinery, thruster, reactor etc.
A custom entry or one of the given can be chosen.
Unique Identifer of the Block. Must be unique for the whole game. Kinda like a Identification.
== Actions ==
Adds extra LOD-layer.
Renames the Block. This renames all the layers who are children of cubeblock, except subparts
==== LOD ====
LODs are the actual Models at different distances. They are used in the main model, construction stages, subparts...
== Settings ==
LOD Distance
Distance at which this LOD will be drawn.
== Actions ==
Delete LOD
Deletes this LOD-layer.
==== Construction stage ====
==== Collision ====
==== Subparts ====