====== Notifications ======
{{ :vrt:notifications.png?direct&350}}VrageToolbox tries to catch most common problems and/or mistakes which can occur. Through the notifications Vragetoolbox communicates Errors, warnings and Information. If an Errors occurs check this list if any possible solution is described to solve the problem.
If there isn't any solution described. Please give an detailed information about the issue and how to reproduce it.
===== Errors =====
Vrage Material Browser not found
It can happen that the Material brwoser gets unloaded by 3dsmax
Reload VrageUtilites. If this doesn't help. Reinstall
Something went wrong while trying to delete Layer/s
It can happen that the Material brwoser gets unloaded by 3dsmax
Reload VrageUtilites. If this doesn't help. Reinstall
===== Warnings =====
Can't Delete Layer. Layers with Nodes/Objects in it can't be deleted!
Appears after trying to delete a layer with objects in it.
Layers with objects in it can't be deleted. Delete the objects in the layers before deleteing the layer.